Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cloth diapering

Ok so don't laugh but I am trying this out with norah. With the cost of everything rising and two girls in diapers (lily still sleeps with them on) I have decided that this would be a good thing do experiment with. I bought the diapering stuff for $80 and I am trying it out. So far so good. Today was my first day of just cloth, I put her to bed with a disposible on though because night time diapering is a hard thing to master and I am not that into it. I am just wondering if any of you have/thought of doing this with your children?


Kenneth and Emily said...

There are a lot of people in my ward that use cloth diapers and they really love them. Diapers are so expensive right now - I totally don't blame you.

Michelle said...

I don't blame you for doing it. However, I have and will never plan on doing that. Pretty much I am lazy and value my time too much to add yet another thing. But good for you! Things are very expensive, and that would be nice to save some moolah somewhere.

Kristi said...

Sounds hard, but sounds environmentally friendly and wallet friendly. Let me know how it goes!!

Anonymous said...

So far so good. Mind you I am anti anything that takes more time but this really hasn't been hard at all. Fids you would love it i think. I figure I will save 40-50 dollars per month. I only wash a load every 3-4 days and norah even had diariah this week which I was thinking oh no what a nightmare. but it was actually better than when we have had problems with disposibles no leaking! Anyways fids with baby #3 on the way I think you should think about it.

Kristi said...

I would love to ....uh, think....about it, where did you go for information??

Anonymous said...

Well I just talked with my friend that is into it. But One website is I think and there are others
I like the bummis brand covers and I use the prefold diapers with snappies instead of pins seriously email me your number and I will call you and we can chat ok?

Kathrin Paul said...

When Tracie was born, we did cloth for the first few months, I think, and it really wasn't that bad. It blows my mind how expensive diapers are, and they go through so many of them! It's like the wedding industry. . . they know people will pay it, so they charge so dang much.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree biph! I mean diapers went up at sams and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Linds said...

I used to think I would NEVER even consider it, but surprisingly I have entertained the thought.... it may be something that I'll try. I think I'm going to stick with disposables, at least for the first little while until I get used to everything that taking care of a little baby entails... and then I may give it a shot. Is it really not that bad? Like what do you do with the diaper after they poop in it? That's what I wonder about... and where do you keep all the soiled diapers until you wash them? Anyway... I'm interested in hearing your experience with this.

Anonymous said...

Ok Sunbeam I really think you should email me your number and we will chat (
I keep the soiled ones in a small garbage can that I bought at walmart. Somepeople line these with a waterproof bag you can buy but I jsut lysol mine and it has worked so far. I also wash my diapers every 2-3 days so they don't get super smelly. Please email me your number It can save you a ton of money by doing this.