Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So, the question of the week is this:
Have you had an experience that has made you grateful to be a citizen of the United States?

I will start with my answer.
I think the biggest thing recently has been the fact that my brother is now a member of the United States Army. He graduates from Basic tomorrow morning. To get to hear what these men and women go through, just to get through Basic training is such a great reminder of the willingness of our troops to defend the rights of our country. We live in a great place, and I am so thankful for the troops. You may or may not agree with the war, but the dedication of these brave soldiers is very moving!
Another experience I have had is actually a bunch of combined experiences. Living back in our Nation's Capitol, and seeing places where George Washington lived, and Jefferson, and seeing places in Philadelphia, Boston, etc was very touching. These men sacrificed more than I ever realized to free us from England's grasp! They were considered rebels, but I think they were men of God, who knew that the only way they could believe the way they wanted to, was to be that way. Rebelling from England's control. (Now, I love England, and want to go there badly. I'm just talking about England then!) We are a country founded on religious freedom, for which I am eternally grateful!

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Fourth of July! I can't wait to see pictures of everyone's celebrations!


Anonymous said...

This is great timber! I love being an american. I Think about this every time I go to the grocery store and there is food on the shelves and I can usually afford this prices. I have never left the country but I am still proud and know what I should be grateful for.

Marcie said...

Hi everyone...can someone add me?

winteratmidnight at hotmail dot com



Lindsay said...

I'm so grateful to be an American and to enjoy the freedoms that I do. I began to really appreciate those freedoms when I lived in China for 5 months and I was able to compare my lifestyle to that of my friends and peers in China. It was amazing to think of the differences. One day soon after arriving back home I was listening to some country music and the song "American Soldier" came on. While listening to it at first, I was a little ehhh about it because, not knowing that the song was about a soldier's job/life, I couldn't imagine any "job" that would be worth all the sacrifice that the song describes. Then when the chorus began and I realized that the song was about an American Soldier, I burst into tears and sobbed with gratitude at all that our country stands for and all the brave, courageous sacrifices that so many men and women make and have made to protect those freedoms. I truly am so grateful to be an American!